
Day 9 | watercolor & ink; coraline doodles

Today's piece is more of just a doodle type drawing. I had almost zero inspiration or drive to make a painting, but I forced myself to get something done. No matter how small it is. That has always been one of my biggest weaknesses. Finding my drive. Not just in art, but in everything. Being inspired isn't my problem. Finding drive and confidence to create and just merely do is my greatest downfall.

Coraline has been a favorite movie of mine for a while. The studio that made it is just down the street from where I grew up (well more like 30 minutes away, but in the same city). Ever since I heard of them I wanted to work there.  Making miniatures and stop animation for such a crazy beautiful company would be my utter dream job. I've never thought it possible, because I didn't get my degree. They'd never hire a lowly, at home doodler like me. But you know, it's never to late to keep dreaming and hoping. The first step is applying. Neil Gaiman is a genius and if I could be apart of bringing something of his like Coraline to life..nothing would compare.

So today I am dreaming and hoping.

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