
Day 2 | watercolor; flowers

And so here is day 2. This is not my favorite piece I've done, by far, though I am still relearning my hands and tools. It is strange the difference a few years of no practice makes. When I was taking art classes daily, I could whip out a painting like this in a matter of minutes. Now it takes me the better portion of an hour, and I am still not satisfied with it. Sometimes it makes me cringe at how much ability I have lost, but today I realized it makes me appreciate myself more. I am relearning something that once came so easily to me.

This painting is an example of me learning, growing, and exploring.

What I've learned after two days of this project? Well, I need to be more patient. Both in art and in life. Though I'm not one to easily admit it, but we need to work for the things we want, even if it's something we excel at.

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