
Day 1 | watercolor; book still life

Today marks the beginning of an adventure of self discovery through the magic of art. For many years I have drawn, painted, created. Art school was always a distant dream. Creating art became a daunting task, a chore of sorts. I lost drive and want, but today I am delving into art once more. Reintroducing it to my life as a daily past time.

Recently my mother came to me and told me about a speaker she heard at TedX. This women went through art school, got her degree, did all the things we are taught to do. Though, she soon realized she never really felt like an artist. So she began a project where she produced one painting a day for 100 days which turned into 1,000 days after seeing it take wind and people finding interest. I, being not quite as ambitious and knowing myself, am committing to 30 days of art, doing this as a challenge to myself. We will explore still life, watercolors, cats, coffee, pencils, and the endless possibilities of what my wallet will provide! So welcome to my journey. This is my project. Join me. Explore. Discover. Create.

Find me on instagram @littleluthien

1 comment:

  1. Love this!♥

    -Kathie K
