
Day 14 | rejuvination

This will be my 16th post. I started this journey not really know where it would lead me. To be quite honest, it has been quite the challenge for me. Drawing everyday isn't easy for me. I lack inspiration and motivation. When I feel like creating and finally sit down, more often then not I can't muster the brain power or creativity to actually draw anything. I doodled Friday after a day with my mom and a fun night with my boyfriend. Then on Saturday we took a long trip downtown to the Portland Saturday Market where we got lemonade and some beautiful pottery for the kitchen. Then to end a perfect day we stopped by New Season for some goodies then proceeded to the lake. On the way to the lake, we got a little lost in a neighborhood that was, to say the least, flawless and perfect. The future seems bright and welcoming. And for the first time, I really feel like I'm taking steps into adulthood.

Today was mine and my boyfriends 6 month anniversary. We went to a local coffee shop, I intended to draw while he read and we enjoyed coffee. It turned out we talked about our favorite actors and how I've always had a dream of being a barista. When we left, the sun was coming out and the local farmers market was welcoming us from across the block. I am truly blessed with a partner that loves me endlessly and continually surprises me. We picked out flowers, ate shaved ice, and shared gyros in the grass. This weekend was honestly the best I have had in a long time and it just so happened to land on a small milestone of my relationship.

I feel rejuvenated and loved, blessed to have the life I have.

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